10 facts about hair you might not know
Let's debunk some myths about hair, and get the facts straight:
1) We are born with the number of hair follicles - including those on the scalp - we will have for life. The follicles form in the fetus around the third month.
Let's debunk some myths about hair, and get the facts straight:
1) We are born with the number of hair follicles that we will have for life, including those on the scalp. Follicles are formed in the fetus around the third month of pregnancy.
2) The average number of a person's capillary follicles is about 100,000.
3) Among several other factors, the average number of follicles also varies according to the natural hair color: blonde people have about 140,000 hairs; brown-haired people have 100,000 hairs on average; redheads just 80,000.
4) Under normal conditions, about 85% of a healthy person's existing hair is growing.
5) Every singe hair has a life cycle completely independent of the other hairs.
6) Hair grows about 0.3-0.4 mm per day, or 1 cm per month. With age, however, hair growth slows down to just 0.25 cm per month.
7) Women's hair grows a little faster than men's. At 1.3 cm per month average, Asian women's hair growth is the fastest overall.
8) Hair stores the same information as blood: this is why toxicological tests are carried out on the hair.
9) Unless the bulb is also present, the sex of a person cannot be established by analyzing the hair.
And last, but not least:
10) All the hair on our head is actually... dead! (Follow our blog, and in one of our upcoming posts we'll explain why ;-) )