Hair and Zodiac: air signs

January is traditionally the month dedicated to the reading of the horoscope for the New Year: let’s try to play with the zodiac to discover… Hair Horoscope for all zodiac signs!

Then, at your next appointment booked with Pistolesi Group, women’s hairdressers in Florence, have a good time and ask for a haircut suitable to your zodiac sign!

Hair horoscope: Gemini
A Gemini is curious, unable to stop too long on a same choice: it happens the same for the hairstyle! A Gemini woman will always ask her hairdresser to try a new cut, that reflects her saucy and sparkling spirit, and maybe she will also want to try new hair colors, without even batting an eye in front of the electric blue!


Hair horoscope: Libra
Elegant, refined, but also perfectionist and vain, a Libra will choose a hairstyle that can express these sides of her personality: the ideal hairstyle for a Libra must always be neat, simple and sophisticated, as a classic chignon, and always perfectly harmonized with every detail of clothing and accessories, from scarves to jewelry!


Hair horoscope: Aquarius
An Aquarius, in spite of the name, is an air sign with a free and independent spirit. Also the favorite haircut for an Aquarium must inspire freedom and originality: long hair blowing in the wind, maybe with locks bleached with shatush or balayage… For an Aquarius woman it is important to be always unpredictable and original!

Read also the hair horoscope for the other signs!
Hair and Zodiac: fire signs
Hair and Zodiac: earth signs
Hair and Zodiac: water signs