How to get beach waves

As the name implies, it's that rough effect, pleasantly "messy", given by the wind and salt (which naturally inflates the hairstyle) after a day at the beach…
Also if good weather seems far away and the getaways on the beach in the weekend remain a dream, here is one more reason to give yourself a natural blur effect with the beach waves… even staying home!Beach waves are suitable for all hair types, and serve to give volume in an extremely natural way. And not only: they are really easy to do! It's very simple to do the beach waves without hair straightener, with very few accessories and guaranteed result. Let's see how:
1. Beach waves with long hair: the best way is to tie the hair in a high chignon before going to sleep; or - during the day - make a braid with wet hair and let them dry this way. In both cases, it will be enough to untie the hair and gently comb it.
2. Beach waves with hairpins and pliers: it’s the solution to do beach waves with short or medium length hair, not over the shoulder. Wash your hair and dry it just a little. Divide them into locks, roll each lock around one finger and fix it with the help of hairpins or small hair clips. After drying, leave in place a couple more hours then… take away everything, shake your head and admire your hair "disheveled orderly".
3. Beach waves with sea salt spray: there are sprays to get beach waves of many brands, and this is perhaps the easiest and fastest method to get beach waves. The only "contraindication" is that it does not work well on completely smooth hair. In all other cases, just spray it on still wet hair, after shampoo and dry, preferably in the open air or with hair dryer at low temperature and keep your head downward.
So, waiting for the sun on the beach… good beach waves to all!