It's time to change your look with extensions

Bridesmaid at a wedding? Or do you simply want something new after a short summer cut?
A few hours in the hands of an experienced hairdresser like those of Pistolesi Group, hair salon in central Florence, and your bob can turn into a long and flowing hair. Differently to wigs, extensions are locks of hair (real or synthetic, but still of excellent quality) that are "attached" to natural hair.
According to the type of application, there is a more or less lasting result:
Extensions fixation with keratin: it is the best and most lasting technique (up to 5 months), but the fixative can irritate the skin;
Micro ring extensions: they are fixed with small rings and last about 1 month;
Brazilian extensions and African extensions:
the first consists in knotting extensions to strands of real hair; the second is similar, but it involves the creation of real braids with natural hair, to which the extensions are then "sewn"; Clip-In Hair Extensions: is the easiest and most practical solution for those who want to change their look just for a day of celebration.
How to treat extensions
Except for Clip-In Hair Extensions, all other types of extensions need more intensive care than natural hair:
· brush thoroughly every day
· mild shampoo 3 times a week
· a visit to the hairdresser (we recommend Pistolesi Group!) at least once a month.