Natural hair treatment and masks

Holidays are the time when there is more free time: then no apology and take care of your hair with healthy and fun do-it-yourself masks.
For hair treatment with flax seeds, 80 grams of flax seed will suffice, to be soaked for a night in half a liter of water. Then let them simmer in the same water for 5 minutes, always stirring, until the liquid becomes a little thick. Once cooled, you can use this gel with flax seeds as a balm, while you comb our hair, or as a mask, holding it for a couple of hours.
The advanced quantity can be kept in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks.
Another hair mask easy to make is yogurt mask: just a jar of natural yogurt, extra-virgin olive oil and honey. Mix the ingredients in equal parts (you can use the jar itself as a measuring cup!) apply the hair yogurt mask for a quarter of an hour on wet hair, wrapping them with food film, and then rinse.Finally, since you are in the summer, you try to minimize the use of hairdryer and hair straightener, which would dry the tips even more. After all, it's so nice to let your hair dry in the open air!