Psoriasis and hair dye: is it possible?

Scalp psoriasis is an embarrassing problem, as well as annoying, which causes many people to avoid even going to the hairdresser.
it is precisely when you have particular dermatological problems that the advice of an experienced hairdresser, as Pistolesi hair salon in Florence, can be decisive.It is essential to talk openly with the hairdresser about your problem, informing him about the medicines you use and about any allergies. So the hairdresser can suggest the right haircut and more compatible with any topical applications of medicines. You can also take your medicated shampoo with you and ask the hairdresser to use it instead of salon shampoos.But is it possible to dye hair with psoriasis? Let's say that there is no absolute ban, but many precautions are needed because the chemicals contained in the dye may aggravate psoriasis.
- First of all, it will be necessary to do a test on a small portion of skin, for example at the nape of the neck.
- Furthermore, it is important to read the tincture ingredients: in many dark dyes, for example, the paraphenylenediamine (PPD) is found, which is very irritating to people with psoriasis. Light colors, on the other hand, could cause some problems mainly due to hydrogen peroxide.
- Also psoriasis and natural dyes (like henna) they do not necessarily agree: what is “natural” may cause intolerances and irritations to a delicate skin.
For those who don't want to give up giving a touch of brightness to their hair, the alternative to dyeing hair with psoriasis exists: it's all those treatments like shatush, balayage, mèches or degradé, that apply only to the locks and do not involve contact with the scalp.