November 23rd: 20% discount at Pistolesi Group

On Friday 23rd November 2018 appointment with the Black Friday at Pistolesi, Hair Salon in central Florence.
Helmet and hair: 5 tips

For those who rides a scooter or a motorcycle, the helmet - indispensable accessory for Safety – unfortunately is not exactly a friend for the hair, also cause of sweat, it “squeezes” them ruining your hairstyle. Let’s see 5 tips to protect your hair with a helmet.
Nadia Toffa’s new “manga” look

Nadia Toffa doesn’t stop to amaze, and not just for the courage with which she faces the serious illness that hit her.
Hair Dye and nickel allergy: what to do?

Allergy to nickel is one of the most widespread, especially among women. It is an allergy that develops "for accumulation", that is when the body has forfeited excessive amounts of nickel, which cannot dispose of.
The symptoms of allergy to nickel are the most various, from skin problems (as eczema, itch etc.) to gastrointestinal problems, tiredness and inflammation.
The longest hair in the world

Huangluo is a remote village, in a mountainous area of Southern China, where the women of the Yao ethnic group cut their hair only once in a lifetime, at the age of 18: cut hair will be kept by their grandmother and then will be donated to the groom.
A novel, three women’s stories: “The Braid”

Three women, three faraway stories, drawn together-joint by the leitmotif of hairs, as the symbol of femininity and redemption: The Braid, the French director Laetitia Colombani’s first novel, has immediately become a best seller.
Hairstyle and earrings: how to match

They are among the most loved accessories for women: let’s learn to match hair and earrings, considering both the length and the hair color.
Big earrings, with long pendants, are ideal for those with long hair. Instead, with short hair it’s better to frame the face with small earrings.
5 curiosities about red hair

Between prejudices (who does not remember “Rosso Malpelo”?) and the magnetic appeal of a “fiery” temper, here are 5 things that perhaps you did not know about who have red hair.
Balayage: brightness and naturalness

It comes from France and is called balayage one of the latest and most esteemed trends in hair styling to bleach hair with a natural effect.
Balayage (which we could translate “stroking”) consist in lighten hair locks with progressive discoloration, to recreate the natural effect of hair sun bleached.
New hairstyle? An app takes care of it

Even the eternal undecided can now find their perfect hairstyle simply with a click.
Both Android as for iOS there are various apps to try new hairstyle, new haircut, or even new beard and moustache… Let’s discover some.
Dry or oil dandruff? A solution by Kérastase

Dandruff is an abnormal desquamation of the scalp, mostly caused by the presence of a yeast (called Malassezia) on the skin surface. It’s usually innocuous but an excessive proliferation can cause an imbalance in the natural process of the skin cell renewal.
Hair and the menstrual cycle: true or false?

Truths or dispelling myths? Here’s how hormonal changes occur in the monthly cycle can affect hair health.
Olaplex repair hair: for hair like a star!

At Pistolesi Group, hair salon in Florence, you can find Olaplex repair hair professional treatment.
Bye-bye split ends, coloring or straighteners damages!
100 brush strokes before bed: yes or no?

Besides removing knots and impurities, regularly brushing your hair helps a regular distribution of the natural oils all the way from your scalp to the hair tips. Still, this does not necessarily equal that the famed '100 brush strokes before bed' routine really is a healthy for the hair.
Style icons: Meghan Markle

The wedding of the year is just around the corner and the gossip fever is peaking, while British bookmakers are taking bets on just about everything regarding the event, ranging from the probability of rain to the burning issue of whether Prince Harry will go for a beard or no-beard look on the Big Day.
10 facts about hair you might not know

Let's debunk some myths about hair, and get the facts straight:
1) We are born with the number of hair follicles - including those on the scalp - we will have for life. The follicles form in the fetus around the third month.
Down memory lane: 1950s hair beauty routine

In this week's blog post we want to share with you a delightful vintage video found by and published on their YouTube channel.
The page also contains a transcript of the video voiceover.
Quiz: can you name these famous paintings?

Pistolesi Group’s main hair salon is located in a historic building at the heart of Florence, steps from the world-famous Uffizi Gallery. Here, art is all around!
Therefore, we decided to challenge your art knowledge with a little game ;-)
How many hair do we lose in a day?

The number of hair we lose in a day varies greatly depending on many factors, not least the seasons and the total number of bulbs we have, ranging from person to person between 80 thousand and 150 thousand.
Down memory lane: trendiest hairdos, back in the year...

The Web is full of more or less extensive galleries of cult hair styles, but by choosing to give it a year-by-year spin, Katie Robinson has given a fun new angle to the round up of trendy hair cuts she compiled for New York-based magazine Seventeen.
Dry hair: why it happens, and what to do

Scientifically speaking, dry hair is an alteration of the cuticles, or the outermost layer of human hair.
In the case of healthy hair, these tiny scales that surround the hair strand are smooth and overlap well.
Style icons: the other Lollo

Speed skater Francesca Lollobrigida returns from her adventure at the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics with a disappointing placement, but we want to celebrate the fun hairdo she sported during the Games, when she went for a distinctive grey-pink-purple-blue look. Was it a unicorn, or a mermaid?
Did you know? Fun facts about your hair

A recent study concluded that every year, a woman's hair suffers on average 5,475 brush strokes, 150 blow-dries, 115 pony tails and 7 chemical treatments (source: Kérastase).
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